Tag Archive bees


Top-Bar Hive Adventure

A local beekeeper, who owns some beautiful, handmade hives, let me tag along on an inspection day. Read More


First Swarm Capture

We have two nucs on order, but as we learn more about this bee stuff, we wanted to see if we could capture some wild swarms. Read More


Bees 101

bee_classWe signed up for a beginner bee class, and it was awesome!
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Bees + Love = Honey

I love watching these ladies hard at work in my gardens.  Their vigorous collecting and buzzing about has some really amazing consequences.

In 2017, we are adding two bee colonies to the landscape to enhance the farm’s ecosystem, diversify and produce some honey for the family and community.

This is a pretty new adventure for us, so, check in frequently to see how the setup is going!

We took our first bee class in March:

Bees 101